So with our work this week:
Saying Goodbye to Sister Baguio |
We visited a less-active this week. He has a heart of stone. He has concerns about Joseph Smith and section 84 of D&C.. something like that. But this week I was so grateful for my gospel knowledge because I just got so bold with him and starting speaking with a 'new tongue'. I was quoting all these scriptures that I hadn't thought of before. It was a really cool experience. At first he was really not listening because he just was so hard-hearted, but then he finally sat back in his chair and just listened to me. I think I talked for like 10 minutes haha... But man, I was on a role! The spirit was on fire there. It wasn't me, I owe it all to Heavenly Father. He helped me in that lesson through the Spirit. My companion was blown away... actually, to be honest, I was blown away. I think my boldness is something the Lord has blessed me with to help these people. Filipinos tend to be like "Oh honey" kind of people. And then there's me, "WAIT A MINUTE! That's not how the Lord teaches us."
OK, so yet AGAIN we had no investigators at church... WHY?! ... UGH's rough. But I'm even more committed to be exactly obedient and give the Lord my all this week so I can tell him I did everything He asked me to. I feel peace in my heart that I am doing alright as a missionary.
Something I've learned this week: We were walking and I was contemplating why our investigators don't like to pray the way we teach them. And the thought came to my mind, "They like to do it their way." And I related that to obedience. We (as natural man) want to do things OUR way. But any other way than the Lord's way is not right. "And this is the way and there is no OTHER WAY nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God." 2 Ne 31. I love that scripture --- it's so true. There's no other way to be saved in heaven except by His ways... obviously!
I'm excited for President Mangum! I'm nervous at the same time, but I can't wait to meet him :) He sounds great. There's always so much to tell you about what I'm learning. But I just want you to know that I'm happy. I'm learning and I'm gaining a relationship {like you said, Mom, with Heavenly Father}. And that's the most valuable thing anyone can have. At times I get homesick but then I realize how fast the day goes and then yet again it's another day so I just keep going! I hope I stay here in Santa Cruz for 2 more transfers. I can tell I will really will love working with my companion here. We're going to do good things hopefully :)
It's been raining lately so hopefully it will cool down a bit. :) I hope you all have a great week again and just keep going. I love you all so much. You're the BEST!
Sis. Seastrand
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